General Data Protection Regulation UK & EU : GDPR

Visiting or Communicating with IDM Imagineering via this website, it’s forms, e-commerce shop or by email does involve the collection of Data about you, your device and your location.
This applies to any website on the internet as that is how such systems work, it is not unique to us.
If you do not want this to hap
pen, DO NOT visit our website [or any website, they all do similar things, to be honest].

Our Forms collect the information you supply; name, email, address, telephone and comments as you supply them.

Cookies, collect and store information such as name, username, and password on your own computer.

Our webshop* and e-commerce system [driven by WooCommerce] stores your information on this website so we can process your order and reference it for our accounts, your deliveries, and to deal with any possible issues that may happen regarding funds, shipping or quality control.

We keep your data for as long as we are legally required to by UK Law*

Any payment information [Credit Card information, PayPal, BACs] is not kept by us.
It is processed via. our Merchant Account** with PayPAL,
Banking information is not stored by us, but transactions appear on our bank statements.
Such transaction data is protected by their systems and compliance with GDPR.

Your name and address are used by us on the Royal Mail website to purchase posting and track and trace your purchases.
Such transaction data is protected by their systems and their compliance with GDPR.

Your name and address, purchased items and payment format are also stored on our computers and invoice paper files.
Computers are password protected and virus scanned by SOPHOs.
Backups are held onsite, and offsite with DROPBOX.
Paper copies are behind double locked doors, alarmed and have surveillance.

Data on our website is protected securely by encrypted password systems provided by the WordPress/MySQL systems that drive our website.

WordPress does use Plugins that record data about your location, IP. This is for our security and yours. WordPress Plugins such as WordFence, GeoIP, Ban Hammer, and similar plugins will find a visitors IP and compare it to known black-lists and ban/protect this site for the benefit of all who use this site. Such information is collected by the plugin software and kept up to 3 months.

For our Social Share buttons integration; We collect your public profile data only from your consent that you grant before initiating Social Login, from the social network used to login at our website. This data includes your first name, last name, email address, link to your social media profile, unique identifier, link to social profile avatar or the social profile avatar itself in the case of Facebook and Linkedin login. This data is used to create your user profile at our website. You can revoke this consent at any time from your profile page at our website or by sending us an email.

If you wish to know what data we hold about you, or, If you want your data deleted from our systems on this website, or any system within Our control, then simply ask;
Email using our web contact form, or
Phone us [0113 266 5146], or
Write to us: IDM Imagineering, 4 Birchwood Mount, Leeds LS17 8PN, UK.

If anything goes wrong at our end, if there is perceived security threat, we will inform the GDPR EU/UK authorities, PayPal, Banks and following their advice we will notify you within 72 hours by;
a website statement
an email
by post

**IDM is a marketing brand of James Rothschild Partnership.