MAXON Cinema 4D Plug-Ins and Scripts


MAXON Cinema4D

RENAME BOOLEANS by Type [FREE Cinema 4D Plug-Ins and Scripts]

We like to work with a parametric workflow so that we can change our geometry up and down the design path.

By using non-destructive Boolean operations we can amend objects, splines, extrusions and MoGraph effectors and refine our designs on hind-sight 🙂

With nested Boolean operations it is easy to lose ones mind and a name of just ‘Boole’ for every Boolean object is not helpful or descriptive.

So we wrote this simple Python script for MAXON Cinema4D to quickly rename all our Booleans so we can see at a glance exactly what each one does.

Here is a short Video of what it does:



Download here: download

unZIP and Install the folder ‘IDM’ into the relevant OS directory path for scripts in r16 to r25 of MAXON Cinema4D:
Windows: Users\*USERNAME*\AppData\Roaming\Maxon\Maxon Cinema 4D R2*_*********\library\scripts
MacOS: /Users/*USERNAME*/Library/Preferences/Maxon/Maxon Cinema 4D R2*_********/library/scripts



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