Star Wars [inspired] Helmet


Star Wars [inspired] Helmet for a Full Suit.

Another update on the slow progress of this personal, in-house project at IDM Imagineering.

This full suit of Star Wars inspired Helmet for our Stormtrooper Armour is being printed on our Creality CR10-S4 and FormBOT TREX 3d Printers in white, recycled PLA Filament.

The hardest part has been keeping the print as clean and white as possible while we glue and sand and smooth the parts. The 3D prints were fantastically smooth to start with, but some of the curves always suffer from stepping layers in FDM 3D printing.

We have tried to keep to using metal files to sand/smooth, since sand comes off all sandpapers then discolours and embeds itself in the white PLA. A combination of filing, scraping, shaving and 3D-pen welding has gone into achieving a first-look great result!

Next: onto the painting!..

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